My name is Sunil Gupta and I am 48 years of age. Few years back I had an attack of early prostrate, where in nearly 50 percent of fluid would remain undischarged even after passing urine. I tried all kinds of medication like allopath, homeopathy, aurvedic etc. but with no positive results. I was suggested to go in for a surgery which I was not inclined to. During this period I had an opportunity to meet Anoop Agarwalji. He educated me on Crystal healing and guaranteed a sure shot cure. I got myself treated through crystal therapy. Very soon I could feel the results through this therapy. Now it is approximately two years since then and my prostrate is back to a normal condition. I have got it verified through doctors and they have confirmed that I no longer suffer from prostrate problem. They said I could lead my life comfortably. I am perfectly alright today, and I could achieve this because of Anoopji’s efforts. I am very thankful to him. Even today if I have a problem including my friends and family members I make it a point to approach Anoop Agarwalji for a resolution.
Items prettier than shown in picture! Clear quartz and some translucent pendants are very pretty. Delivery was quick and items were nicely packed. Satisfied with Avika.
Dear Sir,
I am happy to inform you that today I got the ordered item.
The item is so pretty although I thought it would be a bit bigger but I love it. I will be using it as a pendant. I am also happy that the item was delivered so fast.
You can rest assured that if I have to buy any crystal items in future, you will be the only site I will buy from because I believe all the crystals are authentic, as declared by you which is a very important aspect for me as I buy such items not only for decorative purpose but for healing and removing all the negative vibes which only genuine and pure crystals can do. So thank you.
At this juncture though, I regret to inform that long ago/last year? I had purchased a tooth-shaped transparent crystal pendant with small red stone on the holder, for my son. I think I paid Rs.450/- for it.... you must be having the details of this purchase on your system. However, within a short time the top part holding the crystal broke so I had to give it for repair and replaced the holder with silver which now looks very nice.
I must also again thank you for not charging me for the small turquoise stone (my birthstone) which I subsequently ordered because the previous order was delayed and this was given to me free of cost. I love this too. I feel like I am dealing with Thank you for your concern, understanding and help.
Finally, thank you for making this order possible. It could not be placed online as usually done because I had forgotten my password and there was no way to regenerate new one online.
Your co-operation and help are greatly appreciated.
Sandra Francis.
My name is Anita and I watched a TV program by Anoop Agarwalji wherein he describes about master crystals. When I met him he gave me a master crystal through which I could fulfill all my aspirations. I have two nieces who were not very much interested in their studies. The younger one was worst of the two. When I explained it to him he gave me some crystals. From the time I used them, both of them have considerably improved on their studies. The elder one who was better in her studies has further improved and now secured first position amongst all the three sections in her class. I am very happy now and recommended to my friends who too enjoyed the benefit of crystal healing by Anoopji. I am thankful to the almighty for having helped me to meet Dr Anoop Agarwal and get my problems resolved.
Purchased Avika Natural Energised Black Tourmaline Gemstone Crystal Point and Avika Natural Dyed Citrine 8 mm Bead Stone Buddha Bracelet Color: Yellow. Both items were really appreciable. Now this shop is my permanent home and will buy all my crystals and other requirements.
The Aura around humans is partly composed from EM (electromagnetic) radiation, spanning from microwave, infrared (IR) to UV light. The low frequency microwave and infrared part of the spectrum (body heat) seems to be related to the low levels of the functioning of our body (DNA structure, metabolism, circulation etc.) whereas high frequency (UV part) is more related to our conscious activity such as thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions. The high frequency UV part is very important and most interesting but largely unexplored. And this part can be seen with naked eyes. You can also buy Aura healing crystals online in India.
These are the special stone’s Bracelet made with beautiful handcrafted 22 beads to keep one’s aura intact and protect from the negative en...View More
These are the special stone’s pendant made to keep one’s aura intact and protect from the negative energies. These are easy to wear and ca...View More
A pyramid amplifies and then tightly focuses energy through the top. A crystal pyramid can use to draw off negative energy and blockage from the Chakr...View More
Sanskrit word is Ajna for Brow/Throat Chakra which is clairvoyance, intellect, belief, understanding and analysis of reality. Inward looking rather th...View More
Crystals, stones and gemstones are reliable instruments for turning adverse power and revitalizing your chakras. It seems only appropriate that we dem...View More
In Sanskrit "Sehasara/Sahasrara"...The All is One Centre knowingness and Wisdom. A replica of all of the other chakras and the total energy ...View More
Sanskrit word is: "Anahatha" Located at the centre of the chest this is also the midway point of the chakra system with 3 chakras above and ...View More
This chakra establishes arrangement of the body. The Sanskrit word is "Muladhara: Seat of Kundalini". This inside is our Will-to-live, to en...View More
Sanskrit "Manipura". Associated with the planet Venus in ancient times and with planet Mars in modern times. This chakra motivates us to bri...View More
This chakra is associated with the qualities of movement and flow of energy. It's located below the navel and above the pubic bone. Also referred ...View More
Sanskrit word: "Visshuda" correspondence, internal personality, and clairvoyance. Throat Chakra identified with the thyroid and parathyroid ...View More
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