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Crystal Therapy

Crystal healing is a sacred ancient science that is once again becoming increasingly popular as people rediscover the immense power of stones for improving health and wellbeing on many different levels: mind, body, spirit and beyond.

Crystal therapy in India has been used throughout all of history as a source of healing power. Ancient cultures all over the world used healing crystals and stones to align, clear and transform their energy, spirit and physical health. The metaphysical powers of crystals were no mystery to most ancient cultures including the Egyptians, Mayans, and Sumerians who regularly adorned their bodies, jewelry and buildings with these sacred stones. Our modern culture has, for the most part, forgotten about these early healing techniques. Thankfully, there has been a recent surge in interest about the energetic healing powers of their properties beyond their use in pharmaceuticals.

Crystal healing is a holistic, non-invasive, vibrational energy-based system of healing. That is, it treats the whole person and their integrated energy system. It is therapeutic and deeply relaxing. The technique uses precisely placed crystals either on and/or around the physical body. Crystals may also be laid in precise geometric patterns (grids) within the environment. Crystals absorb, focus, direct, detoxify, shift and diffuse energy as they interact with the electromagnetic forces and subtle vibrations within the subtle human or environmental energy field. In the context of crystal healing, illness is dis-ease, the final manifestation of spiritual, environmental, physiological, psychological, emotional, mental, karmic, or ancestral imbalance or distress. Healing means bringing mind, body, spirit and environment back into harmony, restoring the body’s natural rhythm and equilibrium. It does not imply a cure. But first, let’s dive into the mechanics of how crystals can actually heal you on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic level.

About Crystal Therapy

Crystal Healing/Therapy is a sacred ancient science that is once again becoming increasingly popular as people rediscover the immense power of stones ...View More

Crystal Therapy Course

ONLINE CRYSTAL THERAPY COURSE IN INDIA Crystal Therapy as taught by SATYAMANI HEALING CENTER is in two levels both of which can be studied at home al...View More

Crystal Therapy Services

The duration of a meeting relies on the application of the specific method. A session in which crystals are placed on the chakras (power vortexes conn...View More

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