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Music Therapy Cures

Benefits of Music Therapy


This session reduces the urge to self-mediate by relaxing the listener and increasing Alpha and Theta waves (a common component of drugs and alcohol). This session also works to correct brainwaves deficiency commonly found in addictive personalities.

Addiction Dependency Reduction (Dissociative)

This session reduces the urge to self-mediate by relaxing the listener and increasing Alpha and Theta waves (a common component of drugs and alcohol). This session also works to correct brainwaves deficiency commonly found in addictive personalities.

This session also uses a technique called Dissociation to help particularly restless people to relax.

Addiction Dependency Reduction (variable onset)

This session reduces the urge to self-mediate by relaxing the listener and increasing Alpha and Theta waves (a common component of drugs and alcohol). This session also works to correct brainwaves deficiency commonly found in addictive personalities.

This session also uses the “Variable Onset technique to help people who have a hard time relaxing or entering a trance state.

Screen Visualisation for Addiction

This session is designed to help immediately reduce cravings by providing relaxing audio and visual patterns and trance-inducing visualization effects.


Anxiety Reduction

This session uses Alpha stimulation to help relax the listener and alleviate anxiety and stress issues. In some cases, severe Anxiety is also helped by Beta sessions, so the session also stimulates low beta at the end of the session. If you do not experience success with this session, try the Beta or SMR session.

Anxiety Reduction (Dissociative)

This session uses Alpha stimulation to help relax the listener and alleviate anxiety and stress issues. In some cases, severe Anxiety is also helped by Beta sessions, so the session also stimulates low beta at the end of the session. If you do not experience success with this session, try the Beta or SMR session

This session also uses a technique called Dissociation which is particularly useful for people who are restless and have trouble relaxing

Performance Anxiety

This session uses Alpha to alleviate anxiety while using Beta frequencies targeting each hemisphere separately to help correct a hemispheric imbalance that commonly occurs before an anxiety-producing activity, such as a test, public speech or performance of some kind.

Screen Visualisation for Anxiety

This session uses Alpha stimulation and a trance-inducing visualization to help relax the user and alleviate anxiety and stress issues.


This session uses an Alpha/Theta protocol to quickly relieve stress and deeply relax the listener. Additionally, the session acts to train the user to have better control over their own mental states in the future using the SMR frequencies near the end.

Stress Relief (Dissociative)

This session uses an Alpha/Theta protocol to quickly relieve stress and deeply relax the listener. Additionally, the session acts to train the user to have better control over their own mental states in the future using the SMR frequencies near the end.

This session also uses a technique called Dissociation which is particularly useful for people who are restless and have trouble relaxing


Athletic Performance Anxiety

This session uses Alpha to alleviate anxiety while using Beta frequencies targeting each hemisphere separately to help correct a hemispheric imbalance that commonly occurs before an anxiety-producing activity.

Performance Enhancer

This session helps the mind emulates the “zone” state, or runner’s high, by first bringing the user to a state of profound relaxation, and while still relaxed introducing beta waves to produce the “zone” state, as well as build energy and motivation.

Using this session will help familiarize you with the “zone” state as well as help build the right mental attitude prior to an athletic event or workout. It is best used with visualization techniques explained in the instructions.

Performance Enhancer (DISSOCIATIVE)

This session helps the mind emulates the “zone” state, or runner’s high, by first bringing the user to a state of profound relaxation, and while still relaxed introducing beta waves to produce the “zone” state, as well as build energy and motivation. Using this session will help familiarize you with the “zone” state as well as help build the right mental attitude prior to an athletic event or workout. It is best used with visualization techniques explained in the instructions.

This session also uses a technique called Dissociation which is particularly useful for people who are restless and have trouble relaxing


This session guides your brain down to a deep, rejuvenating Delta state, where your body naturally starts repairing itself and recovering from the day’s activities.

Pre-Exercise Focus Session

This session uses deep tones modulating at 12 Hz to produce a feeling of physical power and focus before a workout.

Screen Visualisation for Pre-Exercise Focus

This session uses a red-colored screen visualization, which has been indicated to help build focus and energy prior to a workout.

This also session uses deep tones modulating at 12 Hz to produce a feeling of physical power and focus before a workout.


Attention Hyperactivity Help

This session is meant to speed up the brain while keeping the left hemisphere dominant ( good for attention, concentration and reducing emotional response and hyperactivity).

ADD and similar disorders are often characterized by “slow-wave” EEG patterns, particularly in the left frontal region. As such, this session stimulates the left brain hemisphere with Beta frequencies and the right with SMR.

Brain Storming Idea Generation

This session acts to encourages new mental connections and the formation of new ideas. Instead of incorporating a highly structured protocol such as those used in most other sessions, this session jumps frequencies hundreds of times in an unpredictable and largely random fashion.

This method results in a barrage of different memories, ideas and emotions flowing through the brain, and has proven to be very successful at connecting unrelated concepts to form new and exciting ideas.

Improving Conginition

This session stimulates Beta, SMR, and Delta, alternating in 2 minutes increments to help keep the user relaxed and engaged.

This session is meant to speed up the brain while keeping the left hemisphere dominant (good for attention, concentration and reducing emotional response and hyperactivity). ADD and similar disorders are often characterized by “slow-wave” EEG patterns, particularly in the left frontal region. As such, this session stimulates the left brain hemisphere with Beta frequencies and the right with SMR.

Intense Mental Workout

This session speeds the brain up by ramping up and first stimulating SMR, and then following with high beta stimulation. The result is a very comprehensive mental workout. It is often noted that this is the most intense session available in the program.

This session is designed to help enhance focus, attention, emotional stability and more Research indicates it may also be of use for depression, ADD and a number of other problems.

Mental Workout

This session speeds the brain up by ramping up and first stimulating SMR, and then following with 20Hz beta. This session is designed to help enhance focus, attention, emotional stability and more Research indicates it may also be of use for depression, ADD and a number of other problems.

Out of the Box Thinking

This session acts to break the listener out of a mental “box” and encourage new avenues of thought. Instead of incorporating a highly structured protocol such as those used in most other sessions, this session jumps frequencies hundreds of times in an unpredictable and largely random fashion.

This method results in a barrage of different memories, ideas and emotions flowing through the brain, and has proven to be very successful at connecting unrelated concepts to form new and exciting ideas.

The session differs from the “Brainstorming” session in that it stimulates each hemisphere individually, creating an even more chaotic mental atmosphere.



This session energizes the listener by ramping up from 15 Hz to higher beta frequencies like 18 Hz and 20 Hz. Which have been shown to be very reinvigorating and helpful with excessive fatigue?

Gamma Energizer

This session energizers the listener by slowly ramping up from 15 Hz to 40 Hz Gamma.


This session energizers and motivates the listeners by ramping 15 Hz to 18 Hz beta, relieving symptoms of fatigue and listlessness.

Screen Visualisation for Energy Motivation

This session energizes and motivates the viewer using a screen visualization that increases in speed and brainwaves entrainment frequency as the session progresses.

Wake Up! (Caffeine Replacement)

This session uses a protocol developed a brainwave entertainment enthusiast, who realizes that a slow binaural beat with rising pitch had an extremely energizing effect. Added to the rising pitch is a simple 18 Hz beta stimulus to further wake and energize the listener.


Migraine Relief

This is a session meant to relieve migraine headaches, based on a migraine study. The study used 30 Hz photic stimulation, alternating from the left to right eyes.

Muscle Contraction Headache Relief

This is a session designed to relieve muscle contraction headaches using 1-3 Hz stimulation.

It is based on a study by Solomon, in which a device using only photic (light) stimulation is used successfully to relieve this specific type of headache.

Muscle Contraction Headache Relief (Audio)

This is an experimental session based on the muscle contraction headache protocol glasses, developed by Solomon.

In the original protocol, only photic stimulation (light glasses) is used. This session is designed to mimic those results, but with audio, so those without access to light glasses may potentially benefit.


Chronic Aches Pains relief and Pain Relief

This session uses Sub-Delta (0-1Hz) frequencies, which are theorized to have soothing effects on the limbic system-the amygdala and hypothalamus in particular, which themselves operate at delta frequencies. This may be the reason delta frequencies can be so helpful with conditions involving chronic pain, such as fibromyalgia.

Chronic Aches Pains relief and Pain Relief (Dissociative)

This session uses Sub-Delta (0-1Hz) frequencies, which are theorized to have soothing effects on the limbic system-the amygdala and hypothalamus in particular, which themselves operate at delta frequencies. This may be the reason delta frequencies can be so helpful with conditions involving chronic pain, such as fibromyalgia.

This session also uses a technique called Dissociation which is particularly useful for people who are restless and have trouble relaxing.

Healing Recovery

This session guides your brain down to a Delta state (similar to deep sleep) where your body naturally starts repairing and healing itself.

Healthy Blood Pressure

This session uses sub-delta frequencies, which are theorized to soothe the amygdala and Hypothalamus, which are involved in vasoconstriction, fear and the fight-or-fight response. By calming these structures, blood pressure should decrease, muscles should relax, sweating should decrease and extremities (hands and feet) should warm up.


This is a relaxing alpha/that session designed to guide you to a stress-free, meditative state where the immune system is optimized.


This is meditation session stimulating upper Theta.

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