Ultimately, the Tarot is a deck of 78 cards that are enriched with images and symbols that help you connect with your intuition to make better, more spiritually-grounded decisions in your life. Many people turn to Tarot cards to help them understand and move forward in their relationships, career, finances, personal development, and major life changes.
The Tarot can also be used to help you understand your past, present, or future. It doesn't tell you exactly what will happen -- like the date when you'll meet your future husband, or the first letter of your unborn baby's name -- but it does give you some insight into where you may be headed if you continue on your current path. It also gives you the space to make powerful and positive changes now so you can manifest your goals and your dreams in the future. What this means is that the future is indeed in your hands!
Every Tarot deck is typically made up of 78 cards, each with its own unique picture, symbolism, and meaning. While there are commonly agreed meanings for each card, it's also very powerful to discover your own meanings of the cards as you connect intimately and intuitively with their images and symbols. Creating this kind of personal connection with the Tarot cards is where the magic happens, and what makes reading Tarot so special.
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