The fast pace of life today and the pressures we are under, make the search for peace and self-mastery urgent and necessary. According to the ancient science of yoga, we are not merely our body, mind, and emotions, but the true “I” that is within us. Meditation holds the key to this self-finding for it helps one to live from within. At The Satyamani Meditation Center, we teach meditation course in India and encourage seekers to find their own inner in one and remove “I”
Guided Meditation (with Music)
Prana Meditation
Dynamic Meditation: Meditation for being in Trans.
Meditation for Inner Growth
Meditation & Concentration (a Talk)
Necessity of self-analysis
Self-analysis is the methodology of meditation for growth, happiness and human accomplishment and much more…
(1) Why do we need self-analysis?
(2) Academic research on a self-analysis
(3) Draw one’s life graph, and
(4) The ultimate purpose of self-analysis
Fees: 1000/- per person/per hour
Time: 2 hours to complete
Wish to join? Click here:
Principle and practice of self-analysis
Learn the principle of self-analysis and practice the self–reflection through 5 subjects and much more…
(1) The methodology of self-analysis,
(2) The practice of self-analysis through 5 essential subjects (barrier in relationships, inferiority, and ego in childhood, an emotion of love and hatred
Fees: 1000/- per person/per hour
Time: 2 hours to complete
Wish to join? Click here:
Data in Brain about the world and real world
Recognize the Data in Brain about world and real-world and think of living free from the self and much more…
(1) Principle of mind formation with the Pineal Gland
(2) Human recognition: observed by philosophers and neuroscientists,
(3) Understanding the reasons why we cannot live our own way, and
(4) Human actions and reactions
Fees: 1000/- per person/per hour
Time: 3 hours to complete
Wish to join? Click here:
The methodology of mind cleansing
Learn and practice the methodology of mind cleansing when and much more…
(1) Do you want to change yourself?
(2) Methodology of the mind cleansing,
(3) Repetition of the self-analysis of the 5 essential subjects, (4) Real potential and positive mind.
Fees: 1000/- per person/per hour
Time: 2 hours to complete
Wish to join? Click here:
Must to do Self-analysis and the mind cleansing in daily life
Learn and practice the methodology of self-analysis and the mind cleansing in daily life and much more…
Fees: 1000/- per person/per hour
Time: 2 hours to complete
Wish to join? Click here:
The starting point of new life with wisdom and the peaceful new world
Let’s start the peaceful life with wisdom and much more…
Fees: 1000/- per person/per hour
Time: 3 hours to complete
Wish to join? Click here:
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