Indra becomes happy, if it is worn. It gives riches. If a man wears, he is upgraded, his honour increases. It fulfills all the earthly desires and gives eight accomplishments (Siddhies), and the god cupid (Kamdeva) pleases with the man who wears it. Kartikeya samo gyeye sarva Kaamarth Sidhidah. This Rudraksha provides all attainments connected with chemical science. The researchers of medical science reach new horizons of success by wearing this thirteen face Rudraksha. Data is collected from healers all over the world. We do not claim anything.
DISCLAIMER: No claims are made on metaphysical properties of this stone. These literature is collected from writings, books, folklore and various sources. The actual product may slightly vary from picture as these are natural stone and no two stones can same in pattern.
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