Avika Organic Ashwagandha Powder/Indian Ginseng/Withania Somnifera/Ashgandh Root Powder /Indian Ginseng /Withania Somnifera, though bitter in taste, are rich in iron and can be consumed as herbal tea. They help in relieving conditions like anemia and blood loss due to heavy periods. Herbal tea prepared from Ashwagandha leaves also serves as an energy tonic and relieves fever and painful swellings. The list of benefits of this powder is endless. The most common uses of the powder are for relieving the conditions such leukoderma, constipation, insomnia, rheumatism, nervous breakdown, goitre etc. The paste prepared from the powder is also applied to the joints to get relief from inflammation and pain. The key chemical structures of Ashwagandha endow it with its unique medicinal properties. It works like this - All plants possess an array of special compounds known as phytochemicals. In simple words, because plants cannot move around, these phytochemicals exist to perform specific tasks. Some phytochemicals act as an immune system, responding to attacking antibodies. Some exist to deter insects from eating them as the plant cannot move around to defend itself. Some phytochemicals simply help the plant to grow fast and strong. When consumed, these chemicals can overlap with ones that activate pathways in our bodies and can have a very meaningful effect on our bodies. Please refer to guidelines of Ayurveda for further uses.
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Based on 2 reviews & Ratings.
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This is the most amazing herb.
Nature powder product quality and product packaging .its perfect..
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