With the festivities of the Janmastami last week, and crystal healer DrAnoop Agarwal says that instead of indulging in mere religious chanting this year, let’s take a scientific look at the Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita.
According to him, it is more important to understand the underlying meanings behind the characters in the Bhagavad Gita, as self-realisation cannot be attained merely by reading a book. Self-realisation can only be achieved by dwelling daily on the above truth that life is like a movie, full of duality – there are evil villains and there are good heroes.
It is also important to realise that we are the result of the system we live in and our ultimate destiny is to return to our basic nature. Krishna is nowhere but within us; he is nothing other than our true conscious, inner voice. A popular saying goes that God is nowhere else but within us. We may chant .As in the Mahabharata, the Pandavas were five brothers, which are the five elements that govern us: Nakul - air, Sahdev - water, Bhim - fire, Arjun - earth and Yudhishtar - ether. Finally, Karan represents our sacrificing.
The 100 Kauravas represent the 100 Kuritiyan or bad habits. For instance, Duryodhan represents bad money, while Dushashan represents a bad ruler, while the blindness of Dhrithirashtra is symbolic of the blindness suffered by a person ruled by all-consuming desire.
Then, Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra represents Attachmentss, Bhishma is representative of the desire lying dormant in us. Only Arjuna was taught about Life being an Earth element and was advised to kill Bhisham as he was symbolic of desire. In fact, the battlefield of Kurukshetra (Kuru means action and shetra means area) is our body. We battle daily – about what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes, we hear Krishna’s voice as he taught Arjuna; at other times, we surrender to the negative forces.
Draupadi represents our attraction towards earthly, material life and the human desire to live, enjoy and succeed. Attraction develops desire which forces us to act and develop attachment. When ego goes down (Chir Haran of Draupadi), our inner Mahabharat begins. In our daily life, we feel attached to materialistic world and assume that we own this in spite of the fact that everything will remain intact and we will leave this world.
Now just recollect the lessons taught by Lord Krishna to Arjuna. In summary, the message was to leave attachments and work for free. Do not expect results as nothing is true. Our body is the combination of basic three elements named as air, water and fire, We get energy from Sun i.e. the forth element Ether and finally the formation is body with attachments known as Earth.
There is a system by which the combination constitute and behave, yes as it was said in that in spite of the knowledge they work for wrong support. They were bound with the system. We all are so and have to work as per system. Mothers' thinking and experience during the child in womb, the child get the same information or behavior as in case of Abhimanyu.
Once we overcome attachments we can easily overcome desire. The only way to end this inner battle is find the Krishna within and work without desires. According to DrAnoop Agarwal, if we understand this core lesson from the Gita, we can easily get rid of all our problems and will come to know about who am I. Then, we will realise that it is in our hands whether we become Kauravas or Pandavas – whether we are the ones who initiated the battle of Kurukshetra or the ones who ended it.
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