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Amethyst Stone Gemstone Healing Properties and benefits

“Amethyst” name is derived from the Greek word ametusthos which means “not intoxicated,” and comes from an ancient legend. The wine god Bacchus, angry over an insult and decided to avenge himself ordained the first person he should meet would be devoured by his tigers. The unfortunate mortal happened to be a beautiful maiden named Amethyst on her way to worship at the shrine of Diana. As the savage beasts sprang, she sought the protection of the goddess and was saved by being turned into a clear, white crystal.

The Amethyst also means spiritual growth and protection. These beautiful healing crystals are also known for bringing clearness of the mind to the owner. By wearing or using Amethyst crystals, you can connect with your own feelings and get to know your inner self on a much deeper level. It is a gemstone which can bring you composure, inner peace and is thought to heighten your natural intuition.

Although it is the rarest form of quartz, it's pretty common in the world. It is a fairly hard gem, as is quartz. It is usually a six-sided crystal and can be found within geodes across the globe. It comes in a crystal form or a mass. It also contains manganese. Many amethyst stones aren't natural, however. They're heat-treated to produce a darker shade of purple.

It usually appears in purple color, but this can range in shade from dark purple to lilac to lavender. But its best form is a medium, yet dark purple with bits of rose coloring. It has also been a symbol of royalty. It has been used for different purposes through the ages. It is thought to aid with alcohol addiction. It's also been used to relieve hearing problems, sleeping disorders and bodily pain. Also there’s a saying that it reduces the severity of mental disorders.

Amethyst Properties

  • It has the power to focus energy. A healer will usually wear multiple pieces of jewellery with amethysts set in silver, for example an amethyst necklace. The person to be healed will hold the Amethyst stone till the healing is done. The healer will place another piece of Amethyst on the area of the body in need of healing, the heart or lungs usually.

  • It is used for blood and breathing problems. Amethyst crystal clusters are used to keep the air and life force in the home clean and positive.

  • Using an Amethyst as a meditation focus will increase the positive spiritual feelings.

  • Amethyst helps overcome fears and cravings.

  • It also helps relieve headaches.

Amethyst Powers

Power Stone

It is often used as a dream stone and to help insomnia. It needs to be put under your pillow to bring about pleasant dreams, or rub it across your forehead to offer relief from a headache.

Protection Stone

Ancient Egyptians practised the amethyst stone guard against shamed and dreadful feelings. It has been worn as safeguard from self-deceit, as well as a protection against witchcraft. The amethyst has long been used to open the spiritual and psychic centers, making it one of the power stones. It is also used as a meditation aid when worn as a necklace.

Wisdom Stone

The amethyst gemstone is recognized as the Bishop's Stone and is still worn by Catholic Bishops. The amethyst represents piousness, humility, sincerity and spiritual wisdom.

Amethyst Healing

Amethyst gemstone has magical healing powers to help with physical ills, emotional matters, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Amethyst crystal therapies are mainly linked with physical recovery of the nervous system, the healing of nightmares and insomnia, and balancing the crown chakra. The therapeutic uses of Amethyst have a long and well-documented history.

Amethyst Physical Healing Energy

Amethyst hikes the production of hormones, and energizes the sympathetic nervous system and endocrine glands to optimize performance. It increases oxygenation in the blood, and aids in treatments of the digestive tube, heart, stomach, and skin. Amethyst also strengthens the immune system and dilutes bruising, pain and swellings. It has given excellent results as an elixir in the treatment of arthritis.

It exempts the symptoms of tinnitus and other hearing disorders, and is fully beneficial in treating insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind. It is stilling and soothing to the neural impulses in the brain. Its energy improves the pain of headaches and migraines, and reduces stress and nervous tension. It can be used to treat psychic disturbances and to stabilize brain imbalances, but should not be used in cases of paranoia or schizophrenia.

Amethyst Emotional Healing Energy

Amethyst is peculiarly confirmative of the emotional body, bringing those who are exploited, overemphasized, or overwhelmed back to center. It eases the mental collisions that lead to physical tension and headaches, and is a great crystal to calm those who are hot-headed and easily angered.

This stone helps in discovering the root causes behind one’s negative behaviors, habits and emotional forms that create imbalance and disease. It also helps one knowing the reality of cause and effect in behavior, and aids in better decision making. Amethyst is a marvellous cure in overcoming addictions by undermining the effects of drugs and alcohol on brain function, while imparting its own peaceful sustaining energy.

Amethyst Gemstone Benefits

The following are some major benefits that Amethyst Stone can provide:

  1. Cell-Growth Promotion

  2. Sleeping Aid

  3. Blood-Circulation Enhancement

  4. Better Circulation of Bodily Fluids

  5. People Feel Happier

  6. Increased Anti-Oxidant Activity

  7. Healing Power for Wounds

  8. Fighting Bacteria

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