Kundalini means a divine energy in human being. It is believed to be a force or power associated with male and female energies. Normally people have a perception in their mind that they will be able to do anything (miracles), if their Kundalini is awakened, but here we want to clear that myth.
Kundalini is the centre of energy in human being. When this sleeping energy in a human being awakes his vision to see towards his life and his problems has been changed. One become more sensitive and intuitive towards coming situations in life and Your mind is in a position that it judges what is right or what is wrong, what is better for you and after following its guidance or its intuitive energy you can get success and survive your life in a better way.
The Kundalini Energy is located at base of our spine cord. When this energy awakes, It flows up from the base of the spine to the acme of Pineal Gland or normally known as Brow Chakra (Agya Chakra, or 3rd Eye Chakra)
That’s for sure that energies do miracles but for that one has to understand the meaning of real Energy. Energy is not our employee who is working on our instructions. Energy is the monarch and once we surrender to it, we enjoy the real world.
The time requires 6 days. The price is high, since only those who are genuinely interested will participate.
We try to satisfy individual and classes are conducted one to one only.
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